08 September 2008

I Have Witnessed the End of the Universe

And it is called Hole in the Wall, a show apparantly taken from some Japanese production that I didn't know about until I looked up a picture for this posting. But that still doesn't detract my loathing for the fact that society is devolving into something akin to the movie Idiocracy. Is this what entertainment is now? Watching people fall into a ditch.....over and over again? What's next, people sitting around lighting farts on fire? Poking each other in the eyes? Punching men in the balls with over-sized gloves? Poking boobies? Making people eat hamburgers....wait a minute. I might be giving some TV exec some ideas for the next fall season....

1 comment:

Lena said...

Hey Lani! It was great meeting you on Saturday.

I've seen the Japanese version of this show on cable, it's just so ridiculous. I had to change the channel quickly.